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Sex game

Designing the female orgasm

I recently “shared some insights” – as they say – with the audience at Lift13 conference in Geneva, Switzerland.  The organizers were interested in my prior work on interactive sexual apps, but rather than simply rehash the past, I wanted to bring something new to the conversation.  I proposed to talk about what’s wrong with […]

Body Heat news

Since we last tuned in back in September, a lot has happened with Body Heat! – I jumped through all Apple’s content hurdles and got the app launched in the iTunes App Store. – I reached out to the creators of the music-driven vibe that it works with, OhMiBod.   They bought the app and the […]

Vibrator control app Body Heat (hopefully) coming soon!

Been flying under the radar for this one, but finally it’s time to talk: I’m >this< close to launching my brand-new iPhone app Body Heat! Last night was the sneak peek performance with Starpause at the Center for Sex and Culture, and now I’m running at a dead heat to get all the promotional engines […]

Techno(sexual) bodies

Deep in the throes of Gamma4 preparations this week, but also have some happy news for my personal efforts. At the beginning of April I’ll be in Hong Kong for an upcoming sex+tech gallery exhibit co-curated by monochrom, founders of Arse Elektronika (not to be confused with, or at least only briefly and bemusedly confused […]


GDC is fast approaching, and Erin Robinson and I are already hard at work on our 2010 Game Design Challenge concept, defending our title after winning last year’s challenge.  I don’t think the theme has been announced yet so I don’t intend to reveal it here, but I can safely say it is NOT a […]

Watch me rant and code

Wow, I got really lucky on this one.   GDC Vault released a few more presentations to their free content collection, and the Indie Game Maker Rant is one of them.  So, If you’d like to see my presentation “Games to Get Her Off; or, How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Female Orgasm […]

Our First Times at last

Procrastination pays off! I’ve been meaning to upload the slides from Erin and my (Erin’s and my?  Erin and my’s?) winning Game Design Challenge presentation, “Our First Times,” but things have been hectic lately.  Now no need, there’s something even better – Think Svcs has made the Challenge session one of their free videos available […]